Good, better, best: never let it rest: a process or SOP (formal Standard Operating Procedure) will never be static, since Salesforce has three releases every year, so make sure to keep your process documentation up to date and always reflecting any changes in your org.

Here are some SOP upkeep tips:

  • When establishing a written process, include a block to tell you how often it should be revisited
  • Be aware of new releases, and modify processes to include those that pertain to your business
  • Even small orgs can and should keep formal process documents for business operation scalability

Here is a basic SOP document template which you can use to track your Salesforce processes or procedures; these SOPs can be held on Salesforce, which can then be easily accessed by all of your users.

New file versions can easily be added – and you should always encourage your users to follow the important files, so that they will be notified once you add a new version.

Maintaining active and up-to-date SOPs means that your users may be able to quickly reference answers, and will allow them to progress their knowledge and adoption of the system.